Be Prepared: How To Avoid Estate Litigation

11 August 2023
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you haven't planned for your passing, your estate could be at risk for litigation. Estate litigation can cause problems for your family after you die. That's where careful planning comes into the picture. Careful planning can reduce the risk of litigation over your estate. If you're not sure how to protect your loved ones from litigation after you pass, read the information below. Here are four tips to help you protect your family and your estate. 

Start With a Valid Will

If you want to protect your loved one against a lengthy probate process, one of the best things you can do is make a will. There are a couple of ways to create a valid will. One way is to use an online program. Another way is to hire an estate planning attorney. You might think an online program is the best way to go, but that's not the case. An online program can't help you find the mistakes that could cause problems for your loved ones. That's where an estate planning attorney becomes beneficial. An estate planning attorney can help you avoid problems that can land your will in probate court. 

Protect Other Assets

When it comes to creating an estate plan, you need to focus on your assets. You might think that a will takes care of your assets, but that's not the case. You need to list every asset in your will. You also need to list how you want those assets to get divided. Some assets that you might overlook include investment portfolios and retirement accounts. But, you might also overlook real property. That's why you need to hire an attorney. An estate planning attorney will make sure that your assets are included in your estate plan. 

Avoid Family Disputes

If you're planning your estate, you need to take steps to avoid family disputes. Family disputes can arise when you don't include clear plans in your estate. This is especially true where loans and gifts are concerned. If you've given lump sum payments or offered loans to family members, be sure to include those details in your estate plan. That way, family disputes don't erupt over missing assets. If you're not sure how to include those details in your estate plan, talk to your attorney. An attorney can make sure that loans and lump sum payments are included in your estate plan. 

Make sure your affairs are in order. Talk to an estate planning attorney about your final wishes, or visit a website like
