Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit? Be Careful about What You Post on Social Media

10 October 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you were injured because of someone else's negligence, chances are that you are going to file a personal injury lawsuit against them. This will help pay for all of your medical bills, lost wages, as well as pain and suffering. The responsible party will be trying to find a way to get out of paying up for the damages, and may resort to some new methods to do so. One of which is going through all social media accounts you have to prove that your injuries are not serious. Here are some tips for how you should use social media when injured.

Make Your Accounts Private

If you have public accounts on sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, you should immediately make them private accounts. It will prevent others looking back at the posts that you have made, and possibly looking into your character.

Don't Accept Friend Requests from Unknown People

Making the accounts private will not prevent family and friends from viewing your history. If you receive a friend request from someone you do not know, do not accept it. This could be someone trying to gain access to what you have posted on your social media account.

Don't Post Updates

With so much on the line in a personal injury lawsuit, don't take the risk by posting updates to social media. Even if you think the post is private, just assume that anything you post online will be public record. Avoid giving updates on doctor appointments, pain you are experiencing, or things related to your injury.

Be Aware of Posted Photos by Friends and Family

If your friends have public profiles, anything they tag you in will be available for others to view. You should let friends and family know that you don't want them posting a picture of you, especially if it is you doing something that could be considered a physical activity. Others may be tempted to post a simple picture saying how well you are recovering, which could be inaccurate and hurt your case.

While it may be tempting to use social media, be aware of the consequences it can have on your injury case. You do not want a tweet to update friends and family be what leads to your case being dismissed. Give updates in person, where there is no record of what you said that could be used in court against you. 
