3 Questions Answered About Your Personal Injury Case

28 July 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you've been harmed by another individual, you may want to take legal action against this person. Being injured can cause you to face unwanted medical bills and lost wages due to time missed at work. The key to being able to recover these losses may only occur if you file a lawsuit against the other individual. Getting some of your questions answered about a personal injury case may prove helpful to you.

Question #1:  What is the statute of limitations?

One of the first things you will want to consider is the amount of time that's passed since you were injured. It's ideal to take legal action as quickly as possible after you've been hurt.

This is because there is a statute of limitations that could affect your ability to do so. This is when a certain amount of time has passed, and you no longer have the legal right to file a lawsuit within your jurisdiction.

Question #2: What is your case worth?

Of course, you will want to get the most money possible, and your attorney may be capable of looking at your case and estimating what you should ask for in the complaint.

Listed below are some of the losses that are typically recovered:

1. A number of your medical bills should be requested.

2. Anytime from work that was lost due to the injury.

3. All of the medical costs that were the result of your injury.

Question #3:  When do you prove your case?

The time to bring the evidence for your case is during the discovery stage.  This will enable you to enter any information you have that shows that you are justified to recover your losses.

Listed below are the steps of the discovery process:

1. Written interrogatories - This is a series of questions that must be answered in detail.

2. Deposition – You may be required to meet with the opposing party's attorney to answer questions about the case.

3. Request for admission statements - It's necessary to either admit or deny certain statements.

4. Request for production documents – This is the time to enter your medical bills or other statements that show your losses.

Taking the time to meet with your attorney and getting the answers to your questions is ideal when it comes to filing a lawsuit. Be sure to schedule an appointment with a lawyer from a law firm like Baudler, Maus, Forman, Kritzer & Wagner, LLP to begin this legal process.
