Injured On The Job? 3 Tips That Will Help You Avoid Problems With Your Worker's Compensation Claim

18 May 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you've been injured on the job, the actions you take immediately after the incident may determine whether or not you receive the benefits you're entitled to. Worker's compensation is designed to provide you with the medical care and financial assistance you'll need to recover from your injuries and survive financially while you're unable to work. However, even a few missteps can undermine your claim and make it difficult for you to receive the benefits you're entitled to. Here are four steps you should take that will help you avoid problems with your claim.

Report the Injury Immediately

As soon as you suffer a workplace injury, you need to report the incident. Don't leave work without filing an accurate report with your employer. Stop by your human resource office and tell them that you need to report a workplace injury. If they don't have proper procedures in place for you to report the incident, sit down and write out a statement detailing all the events surrounding the injury. Be sure to include the time and location of the incident, as well as the names of anyone who was present when the injuries occurred. If you were following the orders of a supervisor when the injuries occurred, be sure to make a note of that in the statement, as well.

Consult with an Attorney

Once you've filed your claim and met with your physicians, you'll need to consult with an attorney. Your attorney will make sure that you receive the benefits you're entitled to. Your employer and the insurance company are going to be looking to protect their interests, which means you'll need someone looking out for yours. Don't try to negotiate with the insurance company on your own. Obtain legal counsel and let them do the negotiating for you.

Follow Your Doctor's Orders

While you're receiving medical care for your injuries, it's important that you follow your doctor's orders completely. Those medical records, including doctor's orders, will be used by the insurance company when determining your settlement. If you haven't followed the doctor's orders, you could undermine your worker's compensation claim. If you're not sure you agree with the care you're receiving from a physician, seek a second opinion.

Workplace injuries can turn your world upside down. Make sure you receive the benefits you're entitled to by following the suggestions provided above. Be sure to discuss any concerns you might have with your attorney, such as Hamilton Law Firm, P.C.
